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Geeks Who Drink Trivia

Geeks Who Drink Trivia 

from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 

Thursday night is trivia night in our Dairy Block food hall. Grab your trivia crew and join us from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm to put your knowledge to the test.

Trivia is not available Thursday, February 27th due to a private event. We look forward to quizzing you soon.

Trivia Night Specials


Negroni | $10

Old Fashioned | $10

Mule | $10

Margarita | $10


Cheese Pizza | $10

Pepperoni Pizza | $12

6 Piece Chicken Tender With Fries | $14

Loaded Waffle Fries | $9

BOS Single Burger | $8

Totchos | $7